Mercedes wholesale parts

Why use Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts?

Genuine Mercedes parts fit vehicle like no others can. They’re made specifically to function with their fellow parts and systems, and they’re constructed from the best materials available. They’re also subjected to rigorous testing, which means each part comes fully certified. Our warehouse is stocked with the OEM Mercedes parts every vehicle deserves.


We are ready to cooperate with service centers, authorized car dealers, auto stores and retail customers. Shop our online catalog of Mercedes oem parts 24/7. Items within our catalog marked "Ready to Ship" are ready to be shipped to you the following business day. "Special Order" is assigned to items that we will get from manufacturers, but the quantity is not certain.

We offer

  • Wonderful selection of Mercedes-Benz parts at competitive wholesale prices
  • More than 900 genuine Mercedese-Benz items in stock and million items available for special order
  • Individual approach to customers
  • Daily updates on the availability of goods and their cost. At your choice, you can receive it by e-mail, FTP or SFTP
  • Bulk order tool
  • Order API