How to find number of genuine part

Each model of car parts has its own unique catalogue number, given by the manufacturer of the part at the design stage, or when launching manufacturing thereof. The format of this number depends only of internal processes at the manufacturing, or in retail networks of trade of ready products, and it completely differs from enumeration of analogical parts manufactured by another brands. You may make sure of it, when looking at any product on our web page: under description of technical parameters you may find tables of compatibility/compliance of codes for analogical product made by different manufacturers.

If you want to find correct part to replace broken one, or to improve your car, we recommend, first, to learn the number of genuine (OEM) part. There are several ways of doing it:

To address the official representative (dealer) of the car manufacturer

This is the safest method, because all representatives have maximally detailed catalogues of all parts for all models and versions thereof being manufactured, or previously manufactured. However, not all drivers from regions can reach the representative located in the capital or in the largest cities fast and without hindrance, and services offered by such centers are significantly more expensive than average price in the market.

To ask car shop-service, servicing the car, for help

The advantage of this method is that during the regular repair the car specialist sees the number of damaged part, and, grounding on it, may learn codes, inter alia, those of original products. Unfortunately, it may happen that similar part, not completely complying with the part, might be installed therein, and such part should not be installed again. In this case, one should fully trust in the qualification of the employee, namely, that he will be able to determine the number of needed part correctly, and that catalogues available to him include really complete information on all versions of models of cars. However, if determination of the number is not related to the current repair, there is large probability that you will be rejected help due to lack of time, or you will be offered to find the part, of course, with additional surplus to price thereof.

To look for the part independently in specialised online catalogues

To look for the part in online catalogues of parts, you must know VIN number of your car. Usually, it is indicated in the vehicle registration certificate and on the car (number location may differ with each car manufacturer). When entering VIN number of your vehicle in the catalogue, list of parts will be provided to you. Disadvantage of this method, first, is significant time consumption, especially, if you do not have professional experience and detailed knowledge of parts and nodes of the car. Moreover, there is a risk of possible imperfections in the online catalogues, inter alia, regarding dates of the beginning and the end of manufacturing of details, especially, if your car is a transitional version, special assembly, or it was assembled in he year, when transition from one model to another one was carried out.

To qualified and experienced car drivers and service employees, our specialists may recommend following online catalogues for independent search:

To address specialists of online shops selling parts

After providing of data on your car, necessary for search, professionals of specialized shop will find necessary OEM part and will inform of price and terms of delivery thereof, not requiring additional fee for it. It will help to save time, and you will be able to receive maximally full information about the part you are interested in.

Our specialists would advise following:

  • When ordering genuine parts, always pay attention to the price – it may not be too high or suspiciously low – and check seller’s reputation not to buy a counterfeit. You may find more detailed information on how to distinguish between the genuine part and counterfeit in the article “How to distinguish between genuine part and counterfeit?”.
  • If the price of OEM part will be unexpectedly high, we recommend you to pay attention to goods made by manufacturers of qualitative parts for aftermarket. We do not recommend buying cheap products of unknown, mainly Chinese, brands immediately, because it has short period of service, it is unsafe, and it may cause damages in near parts and nodes. You may find more detailed information on differences between aftermarket parts and counterfeits in the article “Aftermarket is not counterfeit”.

If you have any questions related to search of genuine parts for your car, we recommend you to address our managers, who will always be glad to advise you and to provide assistance in search of necessary part.